Class AccountQueryRestController


@RestController @RequestMapping("/queries/accounts") public class AccountQueryRestController extends Object
REST controller for handling account-related queries.

This controller provides endpoints for querying account information, including getting an account by ID or customer ID, retrieving a list of all accounts, and getting operations by account ID. It uses the Query Gateway to dispatch queries to the appropriate handlers and retrieve the query results.

  • Constructor Details

    • AccountQueryRestController

      public AccountQueryRestController(org.axonframework.queryhandling.QueryGateway queryGateway)
      Constructs a new instance of AccountQueryRestController.
      queryGateway - The Query Gateway used for dispatching queries.
  • Method Details

    • getAccountById

      @GetMapping("/get-account-by-id/{accountId}") public AccountResponseDTO getAccountById(@PathVariable String accountId)
      Endpoint for retrieving account information by ID.
      accountId - The unique identifier of the account to retrieve.
      An AccountResponseDTO containing the information of the specified account.
    • getAccountByCustomerId

      @GetMapping("/get-account-by-customer-id/{customerId}") public AccountResponseDTO getAccountByCustomerId(@PathVariable String customerId)
      Endpoint for retrieving account information by customer ID.
      customerId - The unique identifier of the customer associated with the account.
      An AccountResponseDTO containing the information of the account associated with the specified customer.
    • getAllAccounts

      @GetMapping("/get-all-accounts") public List<AccountResponseDTO> getAllAccounts()
      Endpoint for retrieving a list of all accounts.
      A list of AccountResponseDTO objects representing all accounts.
    • getOperationById

      @GetMapping("/get-operation-by-id/{operationId}") public OperationResponseDTO getOperationById(@PathVariable String operationId)
      Endpoint for retrieving operation information by operation ID.
      operationId - The unique identifier of the operation to retrieve.
      An OperationResponseDTO containing the information of the specified operation.
    • getOperationByAccountId

      @GetMapping("/get-operation-by-account-id/{accountId}") public List<OperationResponseDTO> getOperationByAccountId(@PathVariable String accountId, @RequestParam(name="page",defaultValue="0") int page, @RequestParam(name="size",defaultValue="100") int size)
      Endpoint for retrieving a list of operations by account ID with pagination support.
      accountId - The unique identifier of the account for which to retrieve operations.
      page - The page number for paginated results (default is 0).
      size - The size of each page in paginated results (default is 100).
      A list of OperationResponseDTO objects representing operations associated with the specified account.
    • exceptionHandler

      @ExceptionHandler(java.lang.Exception.class) public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<String> exceptionHandler(@NotNull @NotNull Exception exception)
      Exception handler for handling exceptions that may occur during query processing.
      exception - The exception that occurred.
      A ResponseEntity with an error message and HTTP status code 500 (Internal Server Error).