All Classes and Interfaces

Event representing the activation of an account in the system.
Aggregate representing an account in the system.
REST controller for handling account-related commands.
Event representing the creation of an account in the system.
Event representing the crediting of an account in the system.
Event representing the debiting of an account in the system.
Service class for handling events related to accounts, such as creation, activation, suspension, crediting, and debiting.
Service class for handling queries related to accounts and operations.
REST controller for handling account-related queries.
Event representing the suspension of an account in the system.
Command to activate an account.
Base class for representing commands with a target aggregate identifier.
Base class for event objects in the application.
Command to create a new account.
Command to create a new customer.
Command to credit an amount to an account.
Aggregate representing a customer in the system.
REST controller for handling customer-related commands.
Event representing the creation of a customer in the system.
Event representing the deletion of a customer in the system.
Service class for handling customer-related events, such as creation, update, and deletion.
Service class for handling customer-related queries and providing query responses.
REST controller for handling customer-related queries.
Event representing the update of customer information in the system.
Command to debit an amount from an account.
Command to delete a customer.
REST controller for handling event store-related operations.
An interface for generating unique IDs based on the current date, time, and a counter.
Implementation of the IdGenerator interface that generates unique IDs based on the current date, time, and a counter.
Interface defining mapping methods to convert domain entities to DTOs (Data Transfer Objects).
Command to suspend an account.
Command to update an existing customer.
Configuration class for Web-related settings.